The Hillary Clinton Quarterly has been keeping up with Hillary's career since 1992 when she became First Lady. As Secretary of State, Hillary carries out the President's foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States. She was sworn in as the 67th Secretary of State of the United States on January 21, 2009.
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In addition to publishing on the web for the past 16 years,
the Hillary Clinton Quarterly published eight print issues between
1993 - 1995. Along with original reporting and feature stories not found
anywhere else in the media, each issue included political cartoons,
puzzles, poems, and letters -- all about Hillary Clinton!
Read fascinating interviews about Hillary with national journalists and pundits like Chris Matthews, Margaret Carlson, Susanne Fields, Donnie Radcliff, and Cal Thomas.
Get an exclusive look at Hillary Rodham's high school yearbook photos! You won't find these photos anywhere else.
Enjoy hilarious cartoons by award-winning political cartoonists, our frequent Hillary Clinton "Songbooks" and our "What They're Saying about Hillary" -- a summary of all the best (and worst!) media coverage of the former First Lady.
Together with insightful investigative news articles by editor Frank Marafiote and HCQ's team of freelance reporters, get a perspective on Hillary Clinton you can't find anywhere else.
Learn what a professional commodities trader says about Hillary's dealings in the commodities market.
Read what internationally-known marketing experts like Michael Porter of Harvard thought of Hillary's health care plan.
Find out how the Wall Street Journal supported Clinton's Arkansas enemies and even helped sell a disgruntled former Clinton employee's anti-Clinton video.
Read an incredible (and frightening!) interview with one of the two people in Arkansas who deliberately lied in order to bring down the Clintons -- and the support he received from people in the mainstream media.
Each issue of HCQ is great reading and provides a fascinating
look at Hillary Clinton "back then" -- important stuff
to know given her political aspirations.
Find out what made the Hillary Clinton Quarterly the talk of the town,
featured on the Today Show and covered in the world media from New York to
Tokyo, including the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, the LA Times,
The New York Times, Gente magazine in Italy, even the Rush Limbaugh TV Show!
We're pleased to offer a limited number of back issues for sale,
each likely to become a collector's item in the years ahead.
SAVE 10% off the Single Issue Price!
Now you can get all seven collector's issues of the
Hillary Clinton Quarterly for just $39.95.
That includes Issues #2 through #8 -- all seven back issues that
we still have available -- plus, you save 10% off the single issue price.
Shipping and handling are FREE!
We accept all popular credit cards as well as electronic check payments.
Payments are conveniently and securely made through PayPal.
The PayPal payment page will show your payment
to HCQ's publisher, Emerge Communications (Frank Marafiote)
Your order will be shipped First Class Mail
within 48 hours via US Postal Service. For shipping charges
to overseas addresses, please contact us at
Our supply of issues is very limited.
To avoid disappointment, order today!
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