The Hillary Clinton Quarterly has been keeping up with Hillary's career since 1992 when she became First Lady. As Secretary of State, Hillary carries out the President's foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States. She was sworn in as the 67th Secretary of State of the United States on January 21, 2009.
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With Hillary Clinton now serving as Secretary of State, questions about her intellectual and moral education abound. One of the major intellectual influences was radical social philosopher and activist Saul Alinsky.
Read about Hillary Clinton's Senior Thesis
Who Killed Hillary Clinton's Health Care Reform?
In Sickness and In Health: Hillary Clinton Takes Charge.
Far Right Dooms Health Care Reform.
Hillary Clinton Defends U.S. Involvement in Libya.
Hillary Clinton Changes Course, Advocates Attack on Gadhafi's Forces
Hillary Clinton's Shameful Betrayal of the Libyan People
Hillary Clinton Condemns Corruption in Arab States.
Hillary Clinton Meets with Chinese Foreign Minister in Advance of President Hu's Visit.
Hillary Clinton at Yale Law School
Hillary and Her Girlfriends: Out of the Closet and Into the Rumor Mill
Sleaze for Sale: How Hillary Clinton's Enemies Used the Media
Politics, Lies, and Videotape: How John Fund and the Wall Street Journal Tried to Trash First Lady Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton and Madison Guaranty: Conflict of Interest or Bum Rap?